
Traditional House North Maluku Before discussing philosophy and architecture, we need to know that the custom house Sasadu not a design house that serves as a residence. This traditional house from the beginning there was more to function as customs hall or meeting place for the entire community when there Sahu ethnic cultural activities. This function affects how the design and structure of the house.
It acts as a meeting place of many people, home Sasadu designed quite spacious. The traditional house of North Maluku have no walls and only comprises one part without insulation. Therefore, this house is open and only seem to have any reinforcing pillars. Not surprisingly heavy stanchion shoulder floor like many other traditional houses in Indonesia. Because the house is not a home-type Sasadu stage. Pole is used only to sustain the framework of the roof, while the floor is spread out on the ground. Stanchion itself is made from sago logs that are pretty much in Halmahera.
For the roof, traditional houses North Maluku also uses ingredients derived from nature. The main material of the roof frame is made of bamboo tied together with fibers, while the roof itself is made of woven palm leaves or sago leaves. Although only made from woven leaves, roofs can last long

This Custom House some characteristic and philosophy. Those are :
1. Sasadu is an open house without walls with many doors. They are willing to accept immigrants as well without discriminating.
2. Bottom edge of the roof home made shorter than the ceiling. It makes every person who wants to enter must be lowered head and bending her body. Philosophical sense of the shape of the end of this roof is that everyone can always be obedient and respectful towards all customary rules
3. The tip of North Maluku roof traditional house has a boat-shaped carving. These ornaments symbolize that Sahu ethnic society is a society that likes to fishing

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