Gohu Ikan

All of you may know about sushi right ? Yep, sushi is one of traditional food of Japan that contains rice, fish, and seaweed. When we eat the sushi that means we're eating raw fish. Do you know that Indonesia also has ssome typical food made from raw fish meat ? It named Gohu ikan. This food is easy to made but it tastes so delicious. Gohu ikan made from raw tuna fish and cakalang fish. Tuna or Cakalng fish usually resemble dice cut, washed and then smeared with salt and lemon juice. After that, the basil leaves was mixed and the mixture was didiamkam for a few moments. While waiting for the seasoning to seep, you can prepare the chopped onion and chili fried in a little oil. After the aroma appears, then stir this oil can be sprayed directly into the fish batter that has been silenced for a moment, then Gohu fish are ready to be served.

Some of you may think that this food will smell fishy, but  even though that fish still raw but it doesn't smell fishy at all. The fishy scent will gone if you give it lemon and salt. You don't have to be worry to eat this raw fish, because actually this food has half-cooked. When you pour the oil into the fish it makes the fish half-cooked. Besides the price is affordable, this food also easy to cook and delicious.

You still do not believe it ? Make it and taste it by now
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